Monday, December 28, 2009

Back in Texas

Shortly after returning from Michigan we got to share a few days with Grandma and Grandpa Stapp and Aunt Sally. It was so great to see them again yet the time seemed to go too quickly. The first day was a little rocky as Connor was still recovering and jet lagged for sure. However, he perked up shortly after. Here are a few pics from a really great day hanging out at my brothers house and one from Chuy's... this is a must for the out of townee's!

Snack Time!

After filling our bellies at Chuy's

Grandpa is a riot!

Cousin Gavin showing his stash!

"Excuse me!!"

Sunday, December 27, 2009

More Michigan Pics...

Okay, now for a few happier pictures of our time in Michigan. Though Connor was sick most of of the trip... we did manage to get some pictures were he didn't look completely pathetic.

Well, he wasn't exactly all smiles... but there were some smiles that weren't caught on camera.

Fever Fever Go Away!!!

Well wouldn't you know it. Poor little Connor ended up getting sick a few days before Christmas. His new name: MR. CLING! Seriously could not put him down for a second. He had a pretty high temp and just felt really crappy. He didn't sleep very well at night, but loved the chance to fall asleep laying on someone. Again, we just hung out and saw family whenever we could. On Christmas Morning we went to Aunt Lynne's where he did more clinging to me. Unfortunately I didn't get a whole lot of pictures due to this fact. After a yummy Christmas brunch we went back to grandma's where he took a really long nap. Then later that evening all the family came for dinner. It really was great to see everyone... I only wish Connor felt better so he could enjoy it also. Here are a few random pics taken of the poor little dude.

Cousins make it better!

I love my daddy!

I love my mommy!

Feeling blah!

Mommy... pweeeeze pick me up!

Need some more Tylenol please!

The REAL Stuff!

Our Christmas visit to Michigan started out a little rocky due to missing the flight there by ONE minute! Guess their rule that you have to check in 30 minutes before your flight is taken quite seriously. Anyway, we still made it to MI a little tired but no worse for wear. We chilled out (literally, HA!) for a day or two then decided to get Connor out in the REAL stuff. Though it wasn't quite the winter wonderland we had imagined for him... it was just enough for him to realize he was glad he lived in Texas. Once we got him all bundled up in his snow suit we ventured outside. At first he was just a little apprehensive of the fluffy cold white stuff... then after sitting in it for a minute or two that was it. He'd had it and wanted to go inside. We were out there for maybe 10 minutes tops. It was lots of fun for me though. I loved seeing him all bundled up like the little kid from my favorite Christmas movie. I'm looking forward to when he is a little older and can really enjoy the snow!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Texas Snow!

Not everything is bigger in Texas! Here is the first snow we've had in years. Blinding isn't it?!? No, really, if you look really really close and squint.... you might be able to see some tiny flurries. Connor didn't know what to make of it as it hit his face. I think he was a bit annoyed by it really. Nevertheless, this was his first snow. I'm sure when we go to Michigan for Christmas he will get to see the real stuff.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Need a Wipe Anyone?

Turn your back for one minute and this is what happens. Connor was joyfully playing with his books and toys in his room when I left for one reason or another. I swear I was just gone for one minute and when I got back... there were probably enough wipes on the floor to wipe a hundred little baby butts. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a smidgen, but take a look a this...

I feel the need to mention that there were a bunch more wipes underneath the basket that he pulled onto the floor. What a little stinker!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Making Progress...

Connor has really started to figure stuff out. It's so neat watching him learn. Here is a breif showing of a couple of new skills. I'm so proud of him! My baby boy is growing so fast!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Visit to Grandma's

On this day trip to San Antonio, Connor had fun playing with Grandma's doggies. Here he is being bombarded with kisses from Harley. Harley is such a gentle giant. Connor really likes him but not sure how much he liked all the kisses. Hehe!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Too Tired to Eat?? Really??

Most of you have witnessed that this kid can put away some food... and though he loves his snacks he just could not muster up the energy to finish this treat. Although, this was around the tale end of his cold, so he was probably more tired that usual. I just thought this was so cute I had to share.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Poor Little Sick Boy

Shortly after Connor's birthday party he got a bad cold. Overly concerned mommy ended up taking him to the doctor twice. Both times he was checked for the flu but didn't have it... thank goodness. Never the less he was one sick little dude. I had to check on him often during the night because he just sounded awful. Here he is on his first visit to the doctor. Poor thing was feeling pretty bad at this point and probably wondering why the heck I was taking his picture.

Thankfully he made it through and wasn't too mad at me for dragging him to the doctor more than I probably needed to. Better safe than sorry though.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Peace, Love and Happiness!

Went to an awesome costume party the day before Halloween. Jodi, Rafi and Mateo love to throw great Halloween parties and this year was no exception. We had a family costume this year. Greg was "Peace" all decked out like a hippy. I was "Love" Probably had close to hundred hearts on me. And Connor was "Happiness". Had a big smiley face on his shirt as well as happy face patches on his pants (which decided to fall off).

Anyway, there was lots of yummy food, and fun games. Everyone had a costume and looked really good. We ended the evening playing "Rock Band". Then took a sleepy little boy home to bed. He was quite happy to be in his own bed instead the pack 'n play.

Last year at this time, Connor was only a week old so he didn't really get to celebrate. I think he had a good time. Next year we will actually get out and "Trick or Treat" with him. Can't wait to see how that goes!

Tractor Time!

It's Halloween day and we decided to go to a pumpkin patch, which ended up just being a quick tractor ride and that was about it. Connor took right to the tractor and sat perfectly still with a smile on his face. Loving it!

Next he decided it was time to drive the tractor.... again... loving it. (Pumpkins in the background)

We tried setting him in the pumpkins.... didn't work. We tried standing him by the pumpkins next to a hay bail.... didn't work. Then we tried setting him next to some scarecrow with a pumpkin

Anyway, it was a beautiful day and Connor was very happy when not in front of the camera. We also bought a few things from the "Country Store". The church that had the pumpkin patch was also selling homemade items with proceeds going to charity. We ended up with lots of ornaments, soup mix, apple pie filling and a few other odds and ends. They even gave us a slice of pie made with the pie filling. That sold us for sure! Yum!

That evening we handed out candy to the neighborhood kids and called it a night around 8:15. Had to get a worn out kid to bed and every time the doorbell rang... Missy would bark her head off. One little boy said "I'm afraid of the dog", but certainly stood there long enough to get a handful of goodies. Hehe.

Happy Halloween to all!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Turning ONE is so much FUN!


Or so we thought! HA! Poor little man Connor had is 1 year appointment and got four shots the day before his party. Needless to say he was not in the mood to celebrate... and who could blame him!! Note to self: schedule yearly appt AFTER his birthday party!

Otherwise, it was a gorgeous day and everyone else had a great time. Connor had lots of wonderful friends to share his day with. We stuffed ourselves with hot dogs, fruit salad and cupcakes. The kids played on the huge jungle gym and swings. We even had a blow-up pool filled with plastic balls.... well, it was a bit lackluster in the ball department but they still had fun.

Here are some photos for your enjoyment. Wish I could have fit all the pictures on here.

Special thanks to Mary & Dick for helping with the food and drinks, Michele for baking all the cupcakes, Jim for manning the grill and Jodi & Rafi for taking all the pictures!!