Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to the Smith Snippets

Well, I guess it's about time for us to join the blog world... finally. As you all know I am the proud proud mommy of my little baby Connor. He is going on 10 months and has quite the personality. He is currently a quick little crawler and has two top teeth and 4 bottom teeth(2 of which are just starting to come in). He has a nice little play area, but seldom stays in one spot as he is constantly exploring the entire house. His daddy is a hard worker and doesn't get to spend as much time with him as he would like... but he's working on it. This blog will most likely be all about Connor as he is the center of our lives. Get a load of this little cutie!

Here he is taking a ride in his friend's (Mateo) little car. He really enjoyed it. I just can't get over how quickly he is growing!! Anyway, stay tuned for more little "snippets" from our lives.