Monday, November 30, 2009

Need a Wipe Anyone?

Turn your back for one minute and this is what happens. Connor was joyfully playing with his books and toys in his room when I left for one reason or another. I swear I was just gone for one minute and when I got back... there were probably enough wipes on the floor to wipe a hundred little baby butts. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a smidgen, but take a look a this...

I feel the need to mention that there were a bunch more wipes underneath the basket that he pulled onto the floor. What a little stinker!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Making Progress...

Connor has really started to figure stuff out. It's so neat watching him learn. Here is a breif showing of a couple of new skills. I'm so proud of him! My baby boy is growing so fast!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Visit to Grandma's

On this day trip to San Antonio, Connor had fun playing with Grandma's doggies. Here he is being bombarded with kisses from Harley. Harley is such a gentle giant. Connor really likes him but not sure how much he liked all the kisses. Hehe!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Too Tired to Eat?? Really??

Most of you have witnessed that this kid can put away some food... and though he loves his snacks he just could not muster up the energy to finish this treat. Although, this was around the tale end of his cold, so he was probably more tired that usual. I just thought this was so cute I had to share.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Poor Little Sick Boy

Shortly after Connor's birthday party he got a bad cold. Overly concerned mommy ended up taking him to the doctor twice. Both times he was checked for the flu but didn't have it... thank goodness. Never the less he was one sick little dude. I had to check on him often during the night because he just sounded awful. Here he is on his first visit to the doctor. Poor thing was feeling pretty bad at this point and probably wondering why the heck I was taking his picture.

Thankfully he made it through and wasn't too mad at me for dragging him to the doctor more than I probably needed to. Better safe than sorry though.